About 5280 Commercial Painters

5280 Commercial Painters is a highly rated commercial painting company that has over 30 years of commercial painting experience in Denver 

Our Service Guarantee

A big focus of 5280 Commercial Painters, commercial services is not only being fantastic painters but also being fantastic communicators. 5280 is all about treating our clients with respect, integrity, and clear communication. We are here to provide a high end professional service that you would expect form a huge company. But with the costumer service of a small local business 


With over 30+ years of experience in commercial painting , 5280 Commercial Painting is commutes to the highest level of service. We dont just have the reputation of a great painting company. Our reputation upholds next level quality work, costumer service and clear communication.


We understand your business and while each project has unique needs, communication, logistics and high touch project management are essential.


We take ownership of each project start to finish, from design and color consultation to trouble shooting to application and clean up, we “live” each job so you can do yours.


5280 Commercial Painting Safety Plan's

With the experience of 5280 Commercial painters in executing commercial and industrial projects. 5280 has developed the knowledge of how commercial and industrial projects differ in safety needs and requirements. For example, when painting the exterior of a commercial building with high costumer traffic and tall exterior elevations. In this scenerio, it is important to use the right lift solutions with proper harnesses, an operator that is aerial lift certified and comes surrounding the workspace to ensure the business’s employees, costumers and our employees are well aware of the ongoing project and remain safe. The result of successfully implemented safety plans is not only safety to the field painters and surrounding traffic, but leads to a better result for your commercial building and a sense of security in the workspace.

Safety Certifications

To ensure our staff is up to date with the latest safety requirements and trends. All employees at 580 commercial painting is required to go through the following ceritifaction process 


The 10-hour training program provided by OSHA, (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) the OSHA-10 is a certification that ensures that each entry-level construction worker is aware of the potential dangers and risks of working on a construction site and how best to prepare themselves in order to avoid and mitigate these risks.

Aerial Lift Certified

Depending on the height of the building and the obstacles on the ground, we find the majority of our commercial painting projects are performed with some type of lift. This certification allows our employees to have the knowledge on how to operate all lifts and, more importantly, understand their responsibilities as a lift operator. Aerial lifts are not only a great way to keep everyone safe but are also a great way to ensure superior craftsmanship due to the craftsman having a steady platform to work from.

Scaffold Safety

Although we rarely use scaffolding, there are those few projects each year that require scaffolding due to the technicalities of the building. By completing this course, it guarantees our employees are competent in what types of scaffolding should be used and how to construct them accordingly.

Fall Protection

Per the US Department of Labor, 8% of all occupational fatalities from trauma are related to some type of fall. Therefore, with a majority of our actions being performed at heights, it is important for our staff to understand and identify any fall hazards associated with their job site. This OSHA course ensures our employees understand the OSHA requirements for when and how to use fall protection in completing their day-to-day tasks.

5280 Commercial Painters Values & Mission

At 5280 Commercial Painting we pride ourselves in our core values which completely separates ourselves from other painting contractors in the Denver metro area. Our mission and values truly guide our steps in every single project we complete, from a small office repaint project that includes patching and painting one office to repainting the complete exterior of a 750,000 square foot industrial warehouse.

Our Mission

Our missions statement is to provide the highest quality of craftmanship and work, that goes along with an unparrareled costumer service, integrity and reliability to all clients.

As your local commercial painting contractior in Denver. Our goal is to do the right thing, not just once but always do the right thing. This is what separates us from other painting contractor in Denver. Because we dont just only value our business, but yours as well , our goal is to creat a long, meaningful relationship with each costumer. We strive to always maintain high quality work while maintaining an unmatchable costumer experience.

Core Values